



Anastasiia Sviridenko: Gardens of the living and the dead. Article written as part of a residency at Helsinki International Artist Programme (HIAP) Suomenlinna Studios (August 2024)


Inka Bell: Origo. Exhibition text for Inka Bell’s solo exhibition Origo in Galleria G, Helsinki (April-May 2024)


Public Disorder. Curatorial essay for Kaino Wennerstrand’s performance Empty Stage in the Helsinki City Theatre (April 2024)


Fog catchers. Reflective essay for SEA Foundation in relation to a curator visit in Noord-Brabant, The Netherlands (January 2024)


Exhibition text for Hermanni Saarinen’s solo exhibition Kontraputki in SIC gallery, Helsinki (August 2023)


Inka Bell: Shift. Exhibition text for Inka Bell’s solo exhibition Shift in Forum Box gallery, Helsinki (June 2023)


A World in Motion: Landscapes of Institute of Interconnected Realities. Commissioned text for Institute of Interconnected Realities’ site-specific performance Spacing Out at the Lynghøj Lakes, Roskilde (May 2023)


Tihentymiä: dramaturgia kuratoinnin työkaluna (Kuvataiteen maisterin opinnäyte, Taideyliopiston Kuvataideakatemia, 2021) - MFA thesis, Uniarts Helsinki Academy of Fine Arts - in Finnish only